“Work Smarter; not harder” is one of my favorite sayings.

It serves as a reminder to me that there is always more than one way to “skin a cat.” Ewww! Who wants to do that?!!  However, we ALL seem to desire to save time on the things we NEED  to do in order to have more time for the things we WANT to do, or that make our life more enjoyable.

I would love to have your input on ways you simplify or accomplish daily chores more efficiently to encourage and help us all to Work Smarter; not harder!

Two ways to enter:

  1. Leave a comment with your answer to the question “How do you work smarter; not harder,” on this blog post. (There’s no wrong answer!)
  2.  Tweet about the giveaway using the text below:

Who doesn’t love a giveaway!?! Enter to win a signed copy of #RealSimplicity by visiting @RozanneFrazee ‘s blog

Contest ends Friday at 8:00 p.m.  We will be selecting 2 winners through and announcing the winners Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m.

Look forward to reading all your comments and learning new ways to successfully live a life of Real Simplicity!

Comments on: "Giveaway: Work Smarter NOT Harder! Read below to win a free signed copy of Real Simplicity" (15)

  1. Remembering how much time will be saved in the long run is a big motivator for me to not let things stack up in piles!

  2. Amy Whittington Richardson said:

    I certainly don’t have the right answer on this, but lately, I am trying to get up a little earlier to get things done around the house so I can maximize my time with my family. Also – I do certain chores on certain days so I don’t feel like I have to get it all done at once. Some things can wait! It is ok!

  3. I try to stock up on things I use frequently when they are on sale. This saves money and also means I don’t have to drop whatever I am doing to make extra store trips because I am out of something.

  4. I work smart not hard by doing two things – never worrying (I leave EVERYTHING in the hands of my Lord) and praying constantly (even if it’s only “God, help me!”).

  5. Michelle Ku said:

    I do not really know how to work smarter not harder, but I know that when I do something when I am sleepy, I would not remember anything I did. There is no point for me to read a textbook when I am exhausted, because I still forget everything when I get up the next morning. Have a clear mind when doing things is the best way to save time and energy.

    • This is definitely a work smarter not harder principle. Thanks for sharing it. I have wasted more time doing things when I’m tired and cutting corners, then having to do them again, or read that chapter again. Thanks for sharing and entering!unny1695

  6. Blair Gulley said:

    I have a goal of working smarter by planning my day, week, etc and not letting it plan me! Grouping errands together, planning easier meals on busy days, etc. Just looking ahead and having a strategy helps so much. But I need a lot of help to remember to do it!

  7. Kathy Metzger said:

    I learned delegation a long time ago! With my arthritis I had to learn to ask others for help instead of trying to do everything myself. Because of it, I am not exhausted and my children have learned valuable life skills that leads them to their independence.

    • Delegation is a wonderful technique that can be learned. Your kids can probably do so much more than if you hadn’t delegated. Didn’t know you had arthritis when we were at PBC. Hope it is under control and you feel good! Said a prayer for you my friend.

  8. Hmmm. I would say asking for help is probably the
    smartest and probably the most convenient way of working.
    It works very well in our home and even when we are at work, school,
    the grocery store or outside with our neighbors. You should never be afraid to ask for help 🙂

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