A Wake up Call

As I woke up today I am pondering some questions running through my head. How much time do I spend in prayer?  How much time do I spend actually thanking God when I pray???  Am I worshiping God in my prayer time or just giving Him my to-do list for the day?

These are some of the questions that filled the room at our Neighborhood Bible Study this week.  The discussion was going well, and we were all somewhat tritely admitting, “Yes, we probably do need to be more thankful.”  UNTIL, one of the ladies in our group posed this question.

What if you woke up this morning with only the things you had thanked God for yesterday?

The silence immediately following her question became quickly filled with an audible gasp as the question hit our consciousness.  We all knew it was the right answer, but until we heard the question poised in such a personal way did it really hit home.  Three days later I am still contemplating how I can become more thankful.  Not because I want to keep the things I have, but because I realize how much God has blessed my life and how little I deserve.

Everything we are or own belongs to Him.  James 1:17 tells us “Every good and perfect gift” comes from God our Heavenly Father, who spared nothing to have a relationship with us.  BUT do I live as though it is reality?

When my children come to me and thank me for things I do on a daily basis just because I love them — like preparing a meal, or running an errand for them, or making a phone call for them — it makes my heart smile.  I wonder if God’s heart smiles in much the same way when we thank Him for all the little things He does on a daily basis for us that most of the time we overlook.  I’m sure we all remember to thank Him for the big things, but what about all the blessings He gives us every day?

May our day be filled with praise and thanksgiving to a God who has given us ALL things both great and small!

Comments on: "A Wake up Call" (2)

  1. Although it is just mid-October this is a perfect idea to remember as we approach Thanksgiving (and every other day of course).

  2. connie hawley said:

    does make u think. we can never give enough thanks and i don’t think HE wants us to get silly about it. be thankful and give thanks yes of course, but HE knows our hearts.

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